NRHS Class of 1995

NRHS Class of 1995 10 Year Reunion BLOG

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Location: Minneapolis, mn

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Senior Video with Reunion Pics Added

Mike & I are working on getting the reunion pics added to the senior video. Hopefully it'll be done & ready to send out in the next few weeks.

If you know of someone from our class who was unable to make it to the reunion, we'd still like to include their pics in the DVD. Please email them to me (Sarah) at & we'll get them added.

Thanks guys!

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Reunion Pics

Thanks to everyone who made it out to the reunion!

The reunion was a success! Thanks to everyone who made it out to Fatt Matt's to celebrate with all of us on Saturday night. Here are just a few of the pictures from the evening. A big thank you to Mike for taking all the pictures. We're working on getting the 'reunion' chapter of the senior video put together. Please get in touch with one of us if you'd like a copy.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Reunion DVD Update

We'll be adding reunion footage to the senior video DVD. If you're interested in one with the additional pics, video, etc, there will be more info at the reunion. If you're not able to make it on Saturday, get in touch with one of the committee gals (Krisit, Colleen, Jenny) or myself (Sarah). The cost will still be the same ($4), but add $1 if you want it mailed to you. All proceeds go to the 'reunion fund.'

Friday, April 29, 2005

The much asked about Senior Video

The closer our reunion gets, the more I get asked about that infamous Senior Video. Well, I dug it up & have put it on DVD. We'll be playing it at the reunion for your enjoyment.

If, by chance, you'd like a DVD copy, that can be arranged. The cost is $4 and all proceeds will go to our "Reunion Fund." If you want a copy, let me (Sarah) or any of the reunion gals know (Kristi, Jen, or Colleen) and I'll personally deliver it to ya when I see you on July 9th!

Monday, April 11, 2005

Who's Coming To The Reunion?

As we get responses, we'll update this section. Here's who has RSVP'd so far:

Joe Ailts
Kelly Allers
Mike Antosh
Phil Bedell
Jeunai Bents
Ryan Berends
Wendy Berg
Radford Bishop
Todd Bottolfson
Scott Bowe
Jessi Brown
Keith Carl
Joe Connors
Betsy Croes
Becky Cummings
Becky Fleming
Josanna French
Jess Genske
Jill Groth
Bryan Hahn
Aliesha Haworth
Andrea Herdahl
Jean Jameson
Scott Klinger
Chad Knutson
Tina Knutson
Julie Kummerfeldt
Jaime Leduc
Eric Levasseur
Kristi Lundell
Colleen McNamara
Scott Mickelson
Sherri Moe
Mike Mukka
Brad Niederer
Ross Noak
Steve Olien
Hannah Peterson
Joe Place
Christine Remington
Kathryn Richter
Corey Rogers
Corey Sawyer
Sarah Schaffer
Sarah Scott
Tanya Seeger
Melissa Stephens
Shawn Thomas
Jolene Tollefson
Jenny Van Dyk
William Wilson
Liz Wold

Saturday, April 09, 2005

FAQ About The Reunion

We've put together this FAQ section to help answer some questions about our upcoming 10-year reunion.

Why will it be on July 9th?
This date was chosen because it is Fun Fest Weekend. We figured more alumni might be “home” around this time.

Why is it at Fatt Matt’s (old Red Rooster)?
This location was chosen for a few reasons. First off, when we initially were booking the location, our fellow classmate, Matt Fall, owned it. We felt it important to support 1995 alumni as much as possible. Second, this location was much more inexpensive than other places in the area. In addition, since becoming “Fatt Matt’s,” the facility has undergone a renovation.

Why is it going to cost us $20/classmate to attend?
Our class has $0 to plan a reunion with. The members of the reunion committee had to use their own money to even get the planning started. The $20 is covering facility rental, invitation materials (paper, postage, etc), food, entertainment, etc. We did our best to keep costs down as much as possible, while still providing an event we hope everyone will attend & enjoy.

What should I expect when I attend?
We’re hoping to have at least half of our graduating class join us for the reunion. We’ve also done our best to contact those students in our grade who attended NRHS with us, but for whatever reason did not graduate from New Richmond in 1995.

Finger food, fruit punch, and water will be provided to all alumni. A cash bar will be available throughout the whole evening.

Class booklets are being prepared for all those alumni who RSVP’d that they’d like one. These booklets will have info on all your fellow classmates & what they’ve been up to these past 10 years.

Entertainment for the night will be provided by DJs from the Twin Cities area. In addition, the "Senior Video" and "All Night Party Video" will be playing for your general amusement.